Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Lesson

There is a relationship between Sylvia and her cousin Sugar.  They act like they are friends because they always do things together.  They are contrasted because they think differently.  Like when they were in the store Sugar asks "can we steal".  That is totally different from what Sylvia would say.  That is mostly how they are different.  They never have the same ideas.

The reason why Miss Moore gives Sylvia a look to tell her that there is more to the lesson is because she is trying to teach them not to overspend there money on stupid things.  It was like what she was talking about the whole way in the cab.  Blabing about spending money wisely.  Sugars definition of happiness " an equal crack at the dough" says that happiness is sharing with people like how it says equal not an unequal crack at the dough.

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