Monday, September 15, 2008

I think that the most sympathetic character in the story is Tub.  He always expressed his feelings about his glands and how everyone thought he was fat.  I think that the most powerfull character is Kenny.  He is powerfull because he forgave Tub for shooting him and it takes a lot of power to forgive someone for shooting them.  The ballance  of power and alliances between the characters shift  as the story proceeds.  Tub and Frank think of different ideas to save their friend.

The purpose of the scene where Frank and Tub go into the tavern while leaving Kenny in the car is so that they can warm up the blankets on the hand warmer in the bathroom.  They actually stop to get pankakes which is kind of mean in a way.  Tub does not feel that guilty for what he did because Frank said that if he were in Tubs shoes he would have done the same exact thing.  When they get back to the car they find that Frank is lying down on the wood, but the covers are off of him.

This is an appropriate conclusion to the story because it makes you wander about the ending.  Do they ever get to the hospital?  Does Kenny die? or does Kenny live by Frank and Tub getting help for him.  The final statement that is being made about the characters is that they think that they are doing something right, but it is not.

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