Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Lesson

There is a relationship between Sylvia and her cousin Sugar.  They act like they are friends because they always do things together.  They are contrasted because they think differently.  Like when they were in the store Sugar asks "can we steal".  That is totally different from what Sylvia would say.  That is mostly how they are different.  They never have the same ideas.

The reason why Miss Moore gives Sylvia a look to tell her that there is more to the lesson is because she is trying to teach them not to overspend there money on stupid things.  It was like what she was talking about the whole way in the cab.  Blabing about spending money wisely.  Sugars definition of happiness " an equal crack at the dough" says that happiness is sharing with people like how it says equal not an unequal crack at the dough.

The Swimmer

The author is trying to say that post world war two everyone was partying and drinking all the time.  He was trying to say that people were forgotten about because people were always drunk and could not remember that if their family died or if they just went to live away from the war.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The refusal of the mother giving the quilts away to Dee makes a big permanent change in character.  The mother has not done anything like that before because it is Maggie's wedding present.  The mother is also use to giving things to Dee because Dee she is so selfish.  The mother did it now because it was made by Maggie and her.  She was also tired of Dee being so selfish all of the time.  The details in the story that indicate that that was coming is that the mother already chose to give it to Maggie and that Dee's words did not change her mind at all.  Also why would the mother give away Maggie's wedding present to Dee instead of her.  

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

1. The conflict in Interpreter of maladies is about Mr.Kapasi. There is a difference on how he actually is and how he acts. The conflict is not resolved in the stories conclusion. This is because in the end it just fades away as in the conflict is no longer in affect. That’s why it is called a conclusion. The ending of the story when everything just wraps up which means the problems in the story go away.

8. I did not get how to connect the ending together.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I think that the most sympathetic character in the story is Tub.  He always expressed his feelings about his glands and how everyone thought he was fat.  I think that the most powerfull character is Kenny.  He is powerfull because he forgave Tub for shooting him and it takes a lot of power to forgive someone for shooting them.  The ballance  of power and alliances between the characters shift  as the story proceeds.  Tub and Frank think of different ideas to save their friend.

The purpose of the scene where Frank and Tub go into the tavern while leaving Kenny in the car is so that they can warm up the blankets on the hand warmer in the bathroom.  They actually stop to get pankakes which is kind of mean in a way.  Tub does not feel that guilty for what he did because Frank said that if he were in Tubs shoes he would have done the same exact thing.  When they get back to the car they find that Frank is lying down on the wood, but the covers are off of him.

This is an appropriate conclusion to the story because it makes you wander about the ending.  Do they ever get to the hospital?  Does Kenny die? or does Kenny live by Frank and Tub getting help for him.  The final statement that is being made about the characters is that they think that they are doing something right, but it is not.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The suspence is very important in the story. The reason why is because it was a mystery who shot the wolf and thats the part that startled him. It is developed from when Rainsford fell off of the yacht and then heard gun shots. It is sustained from when Rainsford wonders around the island for a bit until he finds the military soldier. The roll of confidence was when it was almost a feeling of security. Chance was the roll of when he started to discover the island and not stay directly on shore.

Rainsford is a typicall man who does not know what to do when he was in a situation when he fell off of the boat. General Zaroff is a very nice person. He could have just thought that Rainsford was a terrorist. Instead he gave him shelter for the night. I think that they both are characterized the same amount. I dont think that Rainsford is that plausible because he had to just reach down for his pipe instead of saying to himself that it was gone.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

His feelings are justified. He will be changed because the lights had gone out in the rest of the hallway. He could no longer see lights because they were all out. He was filled with anger. His head and eyes filled with a rage. He saw himself as a creature.

The fact that she left it all behind is what makes it attracted to her. "She did not find it a wholly undesirerable life." ??????

Eveline is a very unsympathetic character because she does not talk much. She is a victim of her character. She does not really think about anybody else except for her self. These issues connect to the major theme. Most of the reason is because unsympathetic is a word that describes her most.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Welcome to your blog, Evan.