Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Good Country People

1.      The story deals with the theme of the human inability to see clearly and thus name clearly because the man that she likes does not have to do with the title.  this is because she thinks that he is wierd and does not follow the title "Good Country People".  This is because she thinks that he is a pervert in a way even though she was dreaming of sedacing him he came on too fast.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Lottery

#1   A lottery is a type of gambling that a state or town presents which is based on luck.  The title makes me expect that it would be no different from the lottery today.  This story talked about the beginning of a lottery in a village.  It seemed like this was from when the lottery was invented.  They would have a box and every towns person who entered would pick a folded piece of paper only one had something written on it.  The person that had that one was the winner.  

#8 This story is presented from the objective point of view because it is based on other peoples opinions.  For example,  when the towns people did not want to change the box because it was a tradition from when the village started, and some of them were alive for that.  Every year the towns people were suggested in having a new box, but that did not happen because they did not want to break a tradition.

I had some trouble with understanding the rest of ? #8

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paul's Case

The teachers see him as abnormal because of the way he acts in class and how he dresses differently from all of the other students.  He takes a long time to pick out his wardrobe clothes for the day.  All of the teachers think that he is a discrace in class.  When he sees the principle he says that he had no idea that the teachers think that he is rude in class.  He thought that he was fine ,but that is not true.  He is trying to get rid of his suspension.

Later in the story he changes his attidude and it moves away from school for some parts.  It talks about how he still takes a long time to pick out his wardrobe.  He is becoming less rude though.  The suspension is actually helping him behave.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hills Like White Elephants

What is indicated about the past life of the man and the girl? How? What has happened to the quality of their relationship? Why? How do we Know? How accurate is the mans judgement about their future?

The man and the girl like to talk because it is what the hole story is.  They are just friends because they just talk like how friends talk.

What purpose does the setting serve-the hills across the valley, the treeless railroad tracks and station? What is contributed by the precise information about time at the end of the first paragraph?

I think that the artistic setting is to get the reader hooked into the story because on one side its hills and on the other its railroad tracks.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Cathedral

Why is it significant that the narrator can't describe a cathedral to the blind man?

It is significant that the narrator can't describe a cathedral to the blind man 
 because he really did not know anything about them.  He could only tell the blind man about what the cathedrals looked like.  The only thing that was not related to the observing of it on the tv was that he said it took many men to make one and that they were built high because the men wanted to be closer to god.  The blind man seemed very interested in what he was saying.

What does this tell the reader about his character?

This tells the reader that the character was nervous because he was talking to the blind man about what the cathedral looked like and that he felt bad because he did not have that much information about what the blind man could not see.  The blind man still liked what he saw in his mind and actually seemed to enjoy what the narrator was telling him.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Lesson

There is a relationship between Sylvia and her cousin Sugar.  They act like they are friends because they always do things together.  They are contrasted because they think differently.  Like when they were in the store Sugar asks "can we steal".  That is totally different from what Sylvia would say.  That is mostly how they are different.  They never have the same ideas.

The reason why Miss Moore gives Sylvia a look to tell her that there is more to the lesson is because she is trying to teach them not to overspend there money on stupid things.  It was like what she was talking about the whole way in the cab.  Blabing about spending money wisely.  Sugars definition of happiness " an equal crack at the dough" says that happiness is sharing with people like how it says equal not an unequal crack at the dough.

The Swimmer

The author is trying to say that post world war two everyone was partying and drinking all the time.  He was trying to say that people were forgotten about because people were always drunk and could not remember that if their family died or if they just went to live away from the war.